Monday, February 15, 2010

friends is like a bird,

10 febs 2010,

bird nie,
even lme mne pon dy dduk kt stu tmpt uh,
dy msti a brhijrah,
mcm nabi muhammad jgak,
everybody will emigrate to improve their life,
setiap pertemuan,akan ada perpisahan,
for smkapFianch,
pemergian aby tuh sgt d'rasai doe,
ta tipu,
we all love u aby!,
there's no one will scream when see handsome,cute or smart boy among us,
da tde lg owg cite sal korean drama,
JiHo aq amek tau!,
juz kiddin',
byk sgt character aby nie antranye :

  • ratu jerit,he2
  • suke kt laki yg cute,ensem plas shemart!,cm adli,kui3,
  • suke nyanyi cm radio brgerk tp version la,
  • suke merayau kt sekula,
p/s:kalo ad yg korg na tmbh,
edit jep,
smkapFianch only!,
sorry for ur difficulty.

counselor of smkapfianch crew,



  1. ape kje la kowng nye er
    mcm xe kje len je an
    ape2 pown mge ABYS kekl smpy akhir hyat k

  2. insyaallh.. pnjng umo..
    kiteowg still brsama...
    forever n ever
